Janet G. – Chopped Sirloin in Odessa in the 60’s … Condalia Farms Brand Steakburger in 2013.

Read below for another rare glimpse of Odessian culture, circa 1960’s, courtesy Janet G. Also, some great tips on tweaking a “Steakburger Steak”. Thanks, Janet!

“When I was young, in Odessa, Texas, alcohol was illegal. Unless you were a member of a private club, and then you could keep liquor in a private box at your club, and the club could serve you mix drinks. Yaaaaa. Because the oil business was moving to Odessa, and they were not prepared to forego drinks and wine with dinner.”

“What I remember about the menu at the Golden Rooster is the chopped sirloin steak with mushroom gravy, which came grilled and with a boat alongside filled with the delicious sauce. To this day, I like a nice gravy or sauce on my chopped steak. The steak I tasted today, from Texas cattle out on the range ( just like when I was a girl), was delicious Anyhow, I actually reduced some cream, and then poached two eggs in it for two minutes for the sauce. Pour it on top. Man that was good.”

“If you grill steaks in a heavy skillet, you could make the sauce there as well. Into the pan drippings, melt 4 oz of butter, and blend in 4 tablespoons flour. Cook the flour a little bit in the butter, but before it can toast, start adding two cups of hot cream. One fourth teaspoon good salt. Or saute some mushrooms and add a good broth…”

“Any sauce would be good on this steak, and that includes Catsup.”

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