Last weekend we camped a night in Cuero, caught some fish, did some hikes, had a great time. We also grilled some Condalia Farms Brand sirloin over huisache – mesquite’s more prickly, almost cousin. It was great! Shown here, Scooter and Ched work on the veggies while Sheryl helps and Angie supervises …
The next morning we had one of Scooter’s many discoveries/creations. Simple, good, good for you, incredibly easy: Sweetpotato pancakes!
Bruce’s sweetpotato pancake flakes, in a box.
Plain yogurt
Mix the sweetpotato flakes and branch water (yes, that is all), add some blueberries. Cook over a hot comal or griddle, renewing the griddle’s oil coating, occasionally. Then top the pancake with plain yogurt and more blueberries. Wow!