I thought last night’s Grammy’s were great. The commercials were almost Superbowl- quality, in my opinion. Included was one that maybe had run before (I don’t watch much TV), but it was new to me. It had quite an effect on me. It tells the factory farm story in an animation, complete with Willie doing Coldplay’s haunting, The Scientist.
Joel Salatin introduced Chipotle to his pasture-based, know-your-farmer concept, and Polyface has been a supplier to Chipotle in their area. So, you can imagine that Joel inspired, or even edited to some extent, this animation.
Like Chipotle, we’re in this to do the right thing, to eat better, to help others eat better, and make a difference. And we’re having fun. (At least that’s what all I tell our accountant! Hopefully we’ll make a little profit this year, if it rains!)
Check it out, see if it has an impact on you: Chipotle video.